Township Hall
The Township Hall can be rented for weddings, graduations, showers etc. Funeral lunches can be held in the hall.
The hall comes with an adjoining full-function kitchen. It has a theater-style seating capacity of 100 (chairs only) and a banquet-style seating capacity of 70 (chairs and tables). It features rectangular and round tables, and padded chairs. An additional security deposit is required and returned if the hall is left in satisfactory condition.
Please call or text Elizabeth @ 440-707-6772, or email before sending contract/checks to confirm dates are open. Pending dates held for 5 days for contracts/deposits to be received. All Contracts & Deposits must be mailed to Elizabeth Zadorozny at 16645 West Rd, Oberlin, OH 44074 Phone 440-707-6772
New Resident & County InformationUtilities Lorco Waste Water District - http://www.lorco.org LMRE - https://www.lmre.org/ Ohio Edison - https://www.firstenergycorp.com/ohio_edison.html Rural Lorain County Water Authority - https://www.rlcwa.com/ Columbia Gas - https://www.columbiagasohio.com/ Armstrong - https://armstrongonewire.com/ GLW Broadband - https://www.glwb.net/ Rumpke Trash and Recycling Waste and Recycling Information, Pittsfield Township is Served By Rumpke Trash and Recycling https://www.rumpke.com/ Please contact Rumpke at least 48 hours before your regularly scheduled collection to request a large item pick-up for acceptable large items, and/or excessive amounts of trash. Television sets cannot exceed 32 inches for curbside pick-up. Any mattress or upholstered furniture must be completely sealed in disposable plastic for removal, call 800-828-8171 Click Here For Curb Side Trash Pickup Rules Newspaper Recyling! Just Take Your Newpapers to the Yellow/Green Containers at the Town Hall! Rumpke Recycling offers residential customers a convenient, comprehensive recycling program to enhance the recycling effort and reduce the amount of material sent to the landfill. While the full list of acceptable materials may vary slightly in some locations, residents can typically recycle the following: Glass Bottles & Jars (all colors) Metal Cans: Aluminum cans, steel cans and lids, empty aerosol cans with the lids and tips removed Plastic Bottles (empty, crush, reattach lid): Bottles and jugs that have a small mouth and wider base, such as milk jugs, soda bottles, laundry detergent bottles, water bottles, shampoo bottles and contact solution bottles Paper: newspaper, magazines, cardboard, mixed office paper and envelopes, paperboard (cereal boxes), pizza boxes free of food debris and grease, telephone books and catalogs Cartons: food and beverage cartons, such as milk, juice, soup, wine, broth and other cartons. See Rumke Recycling for more information click here.... Motor Oils and Auto Batteries Can Be Recycled At Pier 58 Marine, Corner of Rts 58 & 303 Pittsfield County Information Lorain County's Website - http://www.loraincounty.us Lorain County Property Tax Information - https://www.loraincounty.com/auditor/ Lorain County Board of Elections - https://www.voteloraincountyohio.gov/
SchoolsLorain County JVS 15181 OH-58, Oberlin, OH 44074 https://www.lcjvs.com/ Wellington Exempt Village Schools 629 N Main St, Wellington, OH 44090 https://www.wellingtonvillageschools.org/domain/31 Oberlin City Schools 153 North Main Street Oberlin, Ohio 44074 https://www.oberlinschools.net/home/ocs-notices
LibrariesOberlin Public Library 65 S Main St, Oberlin, OH 44074 https://www.oberlinlibrary.org/ Herrick Memorial Library 101 Willard Memorial Sq, Wellington, OH 44090 https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=191379 Conservatory Library 77 W College St, Oberlin, OH 44074 https://libraries.oberlin.edu/libraries/conservatory-library
HospitalsMercy Health — Allen Hospital - https://www.mercy.com/locations/hospitals/lorain/mercy-allen-hospital?utm_source=local-listings&utm_medium=organic&utm_content=website_link Lorain County Heath District - http://www.loraincountyhealth.com
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COVID-19 InformationContact the Lorain County Health Department for most recent updates.
Hall Rentals
For scheduling or visitation, or additional information contact Elizabeth:
by phone OR text at (440)-707-6772
by email at hall.manager@pittsfieldtwp.us
Township Hall